I'm starting to sound like a doormat quote! But really, happy to have you! This site was created for my family and friends with the intent of sharing my stories, so enjoy! Below is a little more about me and the purpose of this blog. If you are so intrigued to know, by all means then, please proceed.
I started what is now known in more official terms as blogging in 2012, but it didn't go very far. I started by taking snaps of my outfits and inspirational quotes just as I was living my life. I was working full time and it was just something I didn't keep up with. I'm not sure if I even had Instagram back then! How did we survive? Oh, Pinterest. I know I definitely had Pinterest. Gimme all the outfits!
When I started this, I was young enough that I thought I knew everything. I was growing through life like, "I know I don't know what's going to happen, but I know that I don't know, so I actually DO know!" That's a fun tongue twister for the brain. Growing up, my mom would say something along those lines to me about knowing everything. Mom, if you're reading this- you actually do know everything so I'll give you credit for being clever. I love you!
Anyway, I left a few of my old posts up on the blog just for giggles. I'm actually a little sad when I read my first post and remember how much I loved words. I can't believe that post is something that I wrote! I amazed my 6 year older self. High five, me! I give myself a 5 on the English AP essay for that entry. I feel like I was much more well versed after High School. I still enjoy reading (paper books) for fun, but I don't have to write essays anymore so... this blog is full of my new prose that's a bit more relaxed.
Here's some literal screen shots- camera phone to computer- of progress while updating my blog! It was in desperate need of fast forwarding a few years.
This was how I rediscovered my blog. OMG. |
Now let's fast forward through life a bit. I met my current husband, moved across the States twice, got engaged, moved out of the States, got married, and here we are! Everywhere there is a comma in that last sentence insert a LOT of traveling. Fortunately, my husband and his career allow for me to travel frequently. I think this is a bit trite to say but I definitely am #blessed. One of my main goals here is to remind you that you are #blessed too! Yes, you are!
After 5 minutes and applying a new template |
On that note, it is so easy to get into a routine and lose the magic of actually living. You do what you gotta do, but along the way make sure you stop and smell the flowers, okay? Dance in the rain! I strive to see the beauty in things that often are overlooked. Sidewalks and floors, doors and store fronts. I love to see new things. Actually my favorite things to see are old things! I especially love abandoned buildings. There is a story those buildings have to tell. I love it when old buildings are repurposed and reused. Their story continues!
After 30 minutes, plus two days working on the headline |
Continuing my own story, I'm going to sidestep a bit to another thing I love. Home decorating. Now, don't get crazy I never said I'm an interior designer... I said decorating. And more like re-decorating. Just as I love to see the same buildings through all seasons and the beauty in each, I do the same with my home. Sometimes you feel like you're in a rut and forgot why you purchased that crummy old shelf in the first place! I enjoy taking a step back and remembering it was a piece that I purchased with my significant other from a side of the road antique store on our first road trip. It was part of my aunt's childhood bedroom set. Or maybe the story is it was used in college and housed my sorority letters atop. Whatever the case may be, I challenge myself to look at the same ordinary pieces in my home and give them new life. Repurpose them if you will. See what I did there? (Re: above section about repurposing.) This is how my passion connects with my hobby. Traveling, seeing things in a new light, and then bringing it home. After all, home is where you showcase your memories. Home is where you come to relax. Your home is a reflection of you and all the things you think are beautiful. Anyway, let's table this issue for later. (See what I did there again? Table? It's part of the furniture in a home! I crack myself up!) More on the home front later.
Hopefully I inspire you, even in the smallest way possible. Maybe you'll take a second look at that old boarded graffitied storefront and realize it's the perfect location for your new office! Maybe you'll drink your coffee outside and listen to the rain fall. Maybe your old blog just needs some love and you can revamp it to showcase your passions. Whatever it is, remember this life is beautiful. For now, I'm going to savor life's ride. I'm going to see beauty along the way. Buckle up! I hope you enjoy the ride with me.
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